Happy New Year! – Huh?

Happy New Year Year!!!
Happy New Year 2016_500x300
Hey wait a minute!  It’s not New Years Day!  What were you thinking Coates?

I’ll tell you what I am thinking!  I am thinking that here we are on day 48 of the
year 2016 and there are millions of people all across the world, but here in 
The United States of America in particular that set New Year’s Resolutions that they seriously wanted to accomplish and just 48 days later an almost
inconceivable number of those people have fallen by the wayside and have
already quit working to achieve those goals!

How do I know that, you may ask me?  Because I have lost sight of some of my resolutions too!

So that is the bad news!

So what is the good news You ask?

Well here it is!  

It’s NOT the end of the year and we can re-start right now towards getting back on the “band wagon!”  

It begins first by acknowledging that we STILL want or perhaps more importantly NEED to make the changes that we “resolved” to change back there on the first of January, 2016!

So my Friend I am here to pump new life into YOU to get re-focused as well as re-energized and to realize that it is okay to have a “do-over” or perhaps it is
better stated as a “Re-Start” or a “Resolution Reset!”

Neither you nor I can re-gain the days that we have lost towards achieving our New Year’s Resolutions, but we can begin again so I want You to think back to
that moment that you decided that this years goals were worth pursuing
and get yourself fired up once again and GET GOING!!


So comment below if I have inspired you to start anew at becoming a better you!

And if I have inspired you, then please be sure to share this with your friends!

Remember, your success in achieving your New Year’s Resolution is only a decision away!  

Decide Now to re-start anew!


Make it a great day!


Larry A. Coates
Larry A. Coates

Larry A Coates

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